Tuuli kääntyköön / Niskavuoren nuorimmainen
RCA Victor FAS 051
Kari Tapio (born Kari Jalkanen) is one of the most famous schlager singers in Finland. He started his career attending Danny's tours and acting as a keeper for the snake used in the shows. This first single was released under his real name Kari Jalkanen, but shortly after he took the artist name Kari Tapio. Despite the slightly unfunky singing on the funk song Niskavuoren Nuorimmainen, this 45 is one of the most sought after funky records from Finland among the Finnish groovy music enthusiasts. The song itself is pretty strict rip from Quincy Jones' hit Hicky burr with Jukka Virtanen's lyrics about the fictional Niskavuori family (propably related to the famous Finnish drama series). They've even wrote a "thanks also to Quincy Jones" on label, but no writing credits. The song is arranged by Esko Linnavalli and backed by his band. The a-side song Tuuli kääntyköön is quite non-interesting schlager song.
Niskavuoren nuorimmainen
Any more secrets? Cant wait!